The other morning I was struggling. Facing things felt hard. The small scared child inside of me said "I can't." She whispered "It's impossible." All I wanted to do was hide.
The other morning I was struggling. Facing things felt hard. The small scared child inside of me said "I can't." She whispered "It's impossible." All I wanted to do was hide.
On our walk to school that morning, Etta and I made a magic potion from pine needles and flower petals, a potion that would grant us amazing super powers. As she skipped along, Etta asked what super power I wanted. I could have any power at all!
"I want to be super brave," I answered, still feeling small and scared.
Without hesitation Etta took my hand in hers. She said, "But Mama, you already ARE super brave!"
I thanked her for the reminder.
And decided that I would fly.